
Han Huang


I am currently a first-year master student in arcSYSu(ARChitecture and SYStem Upscaling @ SYSU) in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Sun Yat-sen University, co-advised by Assoc. Prof. Xianwei Zhang and Prof. Yutong Lu. I receive my bachelor degree in Computer Science and Technology in Sun Yat-sen University in 2023.

My research interest is Compiler Approach in High Performance Computing. Currently I am working to design Programming Models for Exa-scale Supercomputers.

Awards & Scholarships

  • Silver Prize (Second Place), ASC24, Apr 2024 (Coach)
  • CCF Elite Collegiate Award, Oct 2023
  • First Prize, CSCC 2023 RISC-V Compiler Track, Aug 2023 (our compiler)
  • Application Innovation Prize, ASC22-23, May 2023
  • First Prize, ASC22-23, May 2023
  • First Place, SC 22 SCC(virtual), Dec 2022 (News)
  • Second Place, ISC 22 SCC, May 2022 (News)
  • Bronze Prize, 2021 CCPC Regional (Guilin Site), Nov 2021
  • National Scholarship, Oct 2020
